Source code for aiida_bands_inspect.parsers.bands

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# © 2017-2019, ETH Zurich, Institut für Theoretische Physik
# Author: Dominik Gresch <>

from aiida.parsers.parser import Parser
from import read

__all__ = ('BandsParser', )

[docs]class BandsParser(Parser): """ Parse bands_inspect eigenvals file to a BandsData object. Returns ------- bands : Retrieved band structure. """ def parse(self, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements try: out_folder = self.retrieved except KeyError: self.logger.error("No retrieved folder found") result_filename = self.node.get_option('result_filename') # For compatibility with aiida-tbmodels <= 0.3 if result_filename is None: result_filename = self.node.get_option('output_filename') try: with, 'rb') as out_file: self.out('bands', read(out_file)) except IOError: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_RESULT_FILE